巴菲特英文投资名言:In the short term, the market is a popularity contest…

“In the short term, the market is a popularity contest. In the long term, the market is a weighing machine.”

— Warren Buffett


— 沃伦.巴非特



《Invest like a guru》精彩英文书摘: A good company is one that can continuously grow value…

“A good company is one that can continuously grow value through its operation. It will be worth more tomorrow than it is today. As opposed to mediocre businesses that erode value over time, a good business can grow its value and do so consistently, as in Yacktman’s analogy. The value of the company rises higher and higher and time is its friend.”

Invest Like a Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing, Charlie Tian


— 《像大师一样投资:如何通过价值投资实现低风险、高回报》,Charlie Tian

约翰·邓普顿(John Templeton)投资名言: A major cause of higher price is higher prices…

“A major cause of higher price is higher prices; but when the trend is reversed, then lower prices lead to still lower prices. To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others are avidly buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate rewards.”

— Sir John Templeton


— 约翰·邓普顿爵士

侠探杰克(Jack Reacher)经典台词:Once a Major always a Major…

Jack: “I wanted to thank you for helping me out of a tight spot.”

Major Turner: “Isn’t that what army folks do for each other, Major?”

Jack: “Ex Major.”

Major Turner: “Oh, once a Major, always a Major.”

— Jack Reacher: Never go back (2016)





— 《侠探杰克:永不回头》(2016)

