


1. 需要花很长时间
常规说法:This website takes a really long time to load.
夸张说法:This website takes forever to load.

2. 对某人而言非常重要
常规说法:The relationship between Josh and his girlfriend is so important to him.
夸张说法:The relationship between Josh and his girlfriend means the world to him.

3. 情绪跌宕起伏
常规说法:The finale of the TV series made the viewers experience many different emotions.
夸张说法:The finale of the TV series was such an emotional roller coaster.

4. 最喜欢的
常规说法:John Travolta is the actor I like best.
夸张说法:John Travolta is my all-time favorite actor.

5. 形容一个人极好的
常规说法:Jessica thinks her boyfriend is just wonderful and exciting.
夸张说法:Jessica thinks her boyfriend is just out of this world.

6. 可以为你做任何事
常规说法:I’ll do anything for him.
夸张说法:I’d take a bullet for him.

7. 操作极其简单
常规说法:To sign up for the service, you only need to click a few buttons on your computer.
夸张说法:Signing up is just a few clicks away.

8. 特别喜欢,对某事无任何抵抗力
常规说法:I’m really attracted to romantic comedies.
夸张说法:I’m a sucker for romantic comedies.


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