《Invest like a guru》精彩英文书摘: A good company is one that can continuously grow value…

“A good company is one that can continuously grow value through its operation. It will be worth more tomorrow than it is today. As opposed to mediocre businesses that erode value over time, a good business can grow its value and do so consistently, as in Yacktman’s analogy. The value of the company rises higher and higher and time is its friend.”

Invest Like a Guru: How to Generate Higher Returns At Reduced Risk With Value Investing, Charlie Tian


— 《像大师一样投资:如何通过价值投资实现低风险、高回报》,Charlie Tian

约翰·邓普顿(John Templeton)投资名言: A major cause of higher price is higher prices…

“A major cause of higher price is higher prices; but when the trend is reversed, then lower prices lead to still lower prices. To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others are avidly buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest ultimate rewards.”

— Sir John Templeton


— 约翰·邓普顿爵士

Passive income (stream)是什么意思?

所谓Passive income,是近年来国外在个人投资、理财、或是网赚、致富领域颇为热门的概念。它与传统的以时间及劳务(labor)换取金钱的观念或做法不同,强调人们不应该一味地死脑筋(通过朝九晚五的工作挣死工资),应该换个新思路,学会以钱生钱,让金钱自动为自己工作,而非自己为金钱工作。

Passive income的中文可以翻译为:被动收入、自动收入。这里的passive,意思是被动的,相对于主动的(active)而言。Income,则是收入的意思。另外,你也可能见到passive income stream的说法,这里的stream,意思是流。Passive income stream是指”源源不断的(稳定的)被动收入流”。

那么如何稳定地获取被动收入,最轻松地躺着赚钱呢?网络上有很多这方面的专家,包括前几年颇为走红的John Chow,Pat Flynn,Tim Ferriss (著有畅销书《每周工作4小时》,英文名The 4-Hour Workweek)等人。另外,畅销书《富爸爸穷爸爸》(Rich Dad Poor Dad)的作者罗伯特.清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)所推崇的一些理念和做法本质上也属于教你创造passive income。基本上,以上几位专家的观点会建议人们以投资房产、购买指数基金、购买主机空间(比如:通过Bluehost)建立自己的网站销售数字产品(电子书),或是做网赚联盟(affiliate)等方式产生被动收入。大家有兴趣可以通过参考链接进一步了解他们的观点。







巴菲特投资名言:We have no exit strategy…

“Unlike LBO operators and private equity firms, we have no “exit” strategy — we buy to keep. ”

— Warren Buffett

“与杠杆收购者及私募公司不同,我们没有所谓的“退出”策略 — 我们买入是为了长期持有。”

— 沃伦.巴非特

注:LBO,是leveraged buyout的缩写,意思是“杠杆收购”,即收购方通过借贷(资产抵押、发行债券等)的方式进行对被收购方的并购,杠杆收购往往被视为敌意兼并(hostile takeover )。





财经领域中所说的Chinese wall是什么意思?

前两天,EnglishSou.comVIP学习群的会员提出这么一个问题:在财经/金融领域中,Chinese wall具体指什么?

这是个很有意思的问题。Will给出的回答如下:在财经领域,Chinese wall特指某家公司(如大型投行,investment bank)内部不同部门之间(如咨询部门、证券交易部门)刻意设置的信息屏障,避免该2个利益相关的部门之间交换信息,防止利益冲突(conflicts of interest),规避内幕交易(insider trading),最终实现保护客户利益的目的。这个词起源于中国的长城(Great Wall of China)。你可以将Chinese wall翻译为:中国墙。

最后,参考一个与Chinese wall有关的英文例句:Research and underwriting divisions of banks are supposed to be divided by what’s known as the “Chinese Wall.”(银行的研究与承销部门理应被所谓的“中国墙”进行分隔。)注意这里的underwriting,指的是投行负责承销股票或债券的部门。

