
在国外入住酒店前,我们一般会进行预订。到了酒店办理check in(入住)手续时,则会告诉前台,我们已预订好了房间。现在的问题是:“我在你们酒店定了房间,时间是8月8日至8月12日”,这个句子英文里如何说?本文中,英易搜给大家带来了3种不同但相当常用的英文表达方式,供大家参考。


表达1:I have a confirmed reservation at your hotel from August 8th to August 12th.

表达2:I have a reserved room at your hotel from August 8th until August 12th.


表达3:I booked a room/stay at your hotel from August 8th through August 12th.



confirmed reservation: 确认的预订,强调预订已经得到酒店确认。

booked a room: 预订了一个房间,表达预订的动作。

stay: 住宿,强调会在酒店停留一段时间。

日期格式: 在英语中,日期的写法通常是月-日-年,例如August 3rd, 2023。

住宿时间: 如果您想强调入住和退房的具体时间,可以在句子中加入相应的信息,例如:I will be checking in on August 8th at 2:00 PM and checking out on August 12th at 12:00 PM.




1. 需要花很长时间
常规说法:This website takes a really long time to load.
夸张说法:This website takes forever to load.

2. 对某人而言非常重要
常规说法:The relationship between Josh and his girlfriend is so important to him.
夸张说法:The relationship between Josh and his girlfriend means the world to him.

3. 情绪跌宕起伏
常规说法:The finale of the TV series made the viewers experience many different emotions.
夸张说法:The finale of the TV series was such an emotional roller coaster.

4. 最喜欢的
常规说法:John Travolta is the actor I like best.
夸张说法:John Travolta is my all-time favorite actor.

5. 形容一个人极好的
常规说法:Jessica thinks her boyfriend is just wonderful and exciting.
夸张说法:Jessica thinks her boyfriend is just out of this world.

6. 可以为你做任何事
常规说法:I’ll do anything for him.
夸张说法:I’d take a bullet for him.

7. 操作极其简单
常规说法:To sign up for the service, you only need to click a few buttons on your computer.
夸张说法:Signing up is just a few clicks away.

8. 特别喜欢,对某事无任何抵抗力
常规说法:I’m really attracted to romantic comedies.
夸张说法:I’m a sucker for romantic comedies.


Having said that, that (being) said的意思,翻译及用法

Having said that,是在口语交谈(spoken language)中经常出现的一个转折词(transitional phrase)。我们来看看它的具体意思及用法。

线上词典LearnersDictionary指出:““Having said that” it is a signal that they are going to say something which will contrast or disagree with what they said a moment ago. ” 即:说话的人往往把Having said that作为一个信号,提示对方:下面我说的话将会与我刚才说的内容观点相对、或产生分歧。

在中文里,Having said that,可以考虑翻译为:“说了这么多,尽管如此,不过,然而”等。

参考例句:You guys have done a pretty good job. Having said that, I still think there’s room for improvement.(你们的工作完成得不错,然而,我认为仍然有可以改进的空间)。

除了Having said that之外,that said,that being said,都可表示类似的转折意思,用法也与having said that一致。例如:I’m having my hands full right now, that said, I’ll still take time to review your proposal. (我现在忙得不可开交,尽管如此,我还是会抽时间审阅你的建议案)。





前两天Will和一个教英文的老师交流,对方说的是英式英语,她在说英文时,我不经意听到“October the third”这样的说法,我立即条件反射地纠正她,说:“应该是October third吧?不用加the。” 对方似乎吓了一跳,回应说:“不用加the吗?你确定?” 我说:“恩,很确定。比如:July fourth,是不用说成July the fourth的。除非你说the Fourth of July。”

在这之后,我也自己查证了一下,其实严格来说,October the third的说法也没有问题,在用英语说日期时,定冠词the可加也可不加,取决于你说的是英式英语还是美式英语。英式英语通常会加the,而美式英语则通常会忽略掉the。

如果你有兴趣,不妨参考Wikipedia的这条解释:”Dates often include a definite article in UK spoken English, such as “the eleventh of July”, or “July the eleventh”; American speakers most commonly say “July eleventh”, and the form “July eleven” is now occasionally used by American speakers.” (访问原文)此外,这篇名为“Dates in spoken English”的文章也对于日期的读法提供了非常到位的解释。



在英语中,“看电影”最常用的正确表达方式是:go to the movies。注意这里的movies是复数形式,要加上字母s哦。movies在这里并不表示某部具体的电影,而是指电影这种消遣方式,你也可以理解它实际上代表的是影院(cinema,movie theater)。另外,go to the movies,也可以说成go to the cinema。

参考英文例句:Do you wanna go to the movies tonight?(你今晚想去看电影吗?)或者你也可以这么说:Do you wanna go see a movie?(看电影去吗?) 或 Let’s go see a movie! (咱们看电影吧!)

