精彩英文名言: A champion is defined not by their wins…

“A champion is defined not by their wins, but by how many times they recover when they fall.”

— Serena Williams


— 塞雷娜.威廉姆斯

注:Serena Williams,又称小威,是美国网球名将,前世界第一,23个大满贯(Grand Slam)得主。



罗斯福英文名言:Believe you can and you’re halfway there

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

— Theodore Roosevelt


— 西奥多·罗斯福(美国第26任总统)

Will感悟:很多时候我们想要追逐自己的梦想,却被别人“善意”地提醒:放弃吧,你做不到。或者你的亲人、朋友会告诉你:play it safe(稳妥一点比较好)。但是,如果你真的看准了方向,请尽情忽略这些噪音。相信自己,紧盯目标,咬牙坚持,你定会做到。Never undersell yourself… Ever!