《碟中谍5: 神秘国度》英文台词: A minute ago you were dead…


Benji Dunn: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, are you okay to drive? A minute ago you were dead.
Ethan Hunt: What are you talking about?
Benji Dunn: This is not going to end well.

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation(2015)

班吉·邓恩:嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿, 你还能开车吗?一分钟以前,你还死着呢。




背景介绍:After drowning in the pressurized water tank, Benji wonders if Ethan is cool to drive on a high speed chase around a city with narrow roads. Ethan doesn’t seem to realize that moments earlier he was nearly dead and drives anyway.(在高压水罐中差点淹死之后,班吉不确定伊森能否继续在满是窄道的城市中展开一场高速竞逐。伊森似乎并未意识到自己刚刚捡回一条命,并决定驾驶宝马车追逐那帮摩托杀手。)

伊丽莎白·霍尔姆斯名言: What I really want out of life is to discover something new…

“What I really want out of life is to discover something new, something mankind didn’t know was possible to do.”

— Elizabeth Holmes



乔布斯关于珍惜时光、活出自我的英文名言: Your time is limited, don’t waste it…

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

–Steve Jobs


— 史蒂夫·乔布斯

沃伦·巴菲特名言: When we own portions of outstanding businesses…

“When we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever.”

–Warren Buffett


— 沃伦·巴菲特

Prefer用法总结(prefer to及prefer doing, etc)

Prefer是一个实用的高频词汇,正确、熟练地运用这个单词可以为你的美语口语增色不少。Prefer的意思是:更喜欢,更倾向于,英文解释为:to like better or value more highly。Prefer的发音有点特别,注意它的重音位于第二个音节fer。其音标是:/prɪ’fɜːr/(prefer美语发音)。Prefer的近义词包括:favor, would rather, opt for。下面对Prefer的常见用法进行总结/汇总:

1.  Prefer A to B

与事物B相比,更喜欢事物A。例句:I prefer art to sports. (与运动相比,我更钟情于艺术。)再比如:Which one do you prefer: PlayStation 4 or Xbox One? (PS4和Xbox One,你更喜欢哪个?)在选项已知的情况下,也可以直接说prefer sth,如:”Coffee or tea?” “I’d prefer tea, thanks.”(喝咖啡还是茶?喝茶吧,谢谢。)

2. Prefer doing A to doing B

与做事件B相比,更倾向于做事件A。例句:She preferred cooking at home to eating in restaurants.(与进餐厅相比,她更倾向于在家做饭吃。)

3. Prefer doing something

更倾向于做某事。例句:I prefer taking public transportation when available.(条件允许的情况下,我更倾向于乘坐公共交通。)

4. Prefer to do something

更倾向于做某事,用上述用法3意思一致,只是形式不同(3用动名词,4用不定式)。例句:-“will you do it?” – “I’d prefer not to.” (- “你会做这件事吗?” -“还是不要了吧。”)

*Caution: 注意使用误区,人们往往容易把prefer和than搭配起来用,但这种用法是绝对错误的。Prefer只与介词to连用,不可以与than连用