美国银行业里所说的intro rate是什么意思?

Intro rate,是美国银行业务中的一个常见词汇,其完整说法是:introductory rate,意思是:初始费率、首次费率、入门费率。有时,intro rate,也被称为teaser rate。Intro rate常见于贷款业务,指的是在贷款初期的特定时段内,借款人(客户)可以获得非常优惠的利率(费率),有时甚至可以低至0%。但是这个特殊时段结束后,费率按正常或更高的标准收取。Intro rate是银行、小贷、现金贷等平台吸引贷款客户的常用手段。参考英文例句:Whether you want cash back, great rewards, or a low intro rate, the choice is all yours.(无论你是希望获得返现、积分奖励、或是低初始费率,皆可随心选择。)




ETF,是金融投资领域的一个常见术语。ETF是英文Exchange-Traded Fund的简写(注意这里的exchange意思是”交易所”)。Nasdaq.com对其的英文解释为:”In the simplest terms, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are funds that track indexes like the NASDAQ-100 Index, S&P 500, Dow Jones, etc. When you buy shares of an ETF, you are buying shares of a portfolio that tracks the yield and return of its native index.” 即:简言之,ETF是一种基金,它对类似纳斯达克100、标普500、道指等的指数进行跟踪。当你购买ETF股份时,实际上相当于购买了跟踪指数收益及回报的一个组合的股份。中文里,ETF可以翻译为:交易所交易基金、交易型指数基金。

你可能会问,ETF和普通的共同基金(mutual fund)有什么区别呢?二者最大的不同就是,ETF基金可以像股票一样在交易所进行无限制的自由买卖,而共同基金只能进行申购。另外,ETF的价格由股市决定,而非由其内在净值决定。这意味着当市场看好一只ETF时,它可能获得溢价,而当市场看空时,则可能折价出售,与股票的定价机制相同。参考英文例句:I don’t have a lot time to pick stocks, so buying ETFs might be a better option for me. (我没有太多时间选股,所以买入ETF可能对我是个更好的选择。)


融资融券,是股票交易中的一个专用术语,是指通过向券商借钱买入股票、借股票卖出(卖空)股票的交易方式。在英文中,融资可以翻译为:trade on margin,或者margin trading。而融券,则可以说:selling short,或short selling。而提供这种融资融券操作的证券账户叫做margin account,中文里往往叫做:信用账户、保证金账户、融资融券账户等。参考英文例句:Most major stock brokers in the US offer margin trading and short selling functions to their clients.(美国大部分的券商都向客户提供融资融券功能。)





在英文里,强行平仓的常见对应说法是:margin closeout。这里的margin,意思是保证金,而closeout,指的是平仓,或了结(全部)头寸。Margin closeout常见于外汇交易(Forex trading),或带杠杆(leverage)的股票交易。除了margin closeout,类似的说法还有:forced close-out,forced selling,或forced liquidation。

参考例句:I just suffered a margin closeout and lost over $2000.(我刚被强平了,损失了2000多美元)。


(1) 2018.4.12, closeout,除了在外汇交易中表示平仓外,在日常生活中,往往用来指清仓大甩卖(a sale of goods at reduced prices to get rid of superfluous stock),或是某家店关门(不再经营)时清理所有存货的降价销售行为(a sale in which a store tries to sell all of its products because the store is going out of business)。(见参考链接(3))


(1) http://www.investorwords.com/18347/margin_closeout.html

(2) https://www.oanda.com/resources/legal/united-states/legal/margin-rules

(3) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/closeout

(4) https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/forcedliquidation.asp

(5) https://ibkr.info/node/845

Jesse Livermore英文投资名言: It never was my thinking that made the big money for me…

“After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this: It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It always was my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight!”

— Jesse Livermore


— 杰西.利弗莫尔


The Top 30 Quotes From Jesse Livermore On Trading And Investing